Dr. VanDongen has extensive professional experience, very relevant to the operation of Bio Breeders Inc.
• Practical Experience
Dr. VanDongen has a lifetime of practical experience with animals, having grown up with domestic animals on a farm in Holland, where he got to work with the production of cows, horses, sheep and swine.
• Academic Training (Holland)
Dr. VanDongen broadened his academic training at the undergraduate (BS) and graduate (MS) levels in Holland at the Agricultural University of Wageningen in animal husbandry and animal nutrition.
• Academic Training (USA)
Dr. VanDongen continued his education as a graduate student in the Department of Dairy Science, University of Illinois in Urbana where he specialized in reproductive physiology of production animals. In 1962, he obtained an MS in reproductive physiology and in 1964 a Ph.D. in the Endocrinology of Reproduction in domestic animals.
• Specialization
Dr. VanDongen did his postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School, Department of Pharmacology in Boston, Massachusetts, where he studied the basic mechanisms of contraction underlaying the reproductive phenomena such as labor, milk-ejection, and sperm transport in laboratory animal models.
• Academic Experience
Dr. VanDongen served on the Faculty of New York Medical College in the Department of Pharmacology and continued his research in male reproduction dealing with sperm preservation.